so I wanted to start by creating my own token to then sell art from then also use the Solana network so its affordable to create things and see if its popular first before sparing a large amount of cash.
I created a brand called LITTLE-NFTS because thats my artist name and was easy to work on this and develop a way to produce these nfts either by hand or automatically.
I will need the following to setup this brand properly.
make twitter
make discord
make website
make nft market (no longer up) I made this market so I could sell my art and I was thinking of asking artist friends to also join but after doing this I think maybe its also ok to have on personal website for artist or brands. Idea here is life lines of artists in one market.
download cli tool for solana
cargo install spl-token-cli
setup local hot wallet
solana-keygen new -o nonce-keypair.json
get local dev setup
solana config set --url https://api.devnet.solana.comsolana airdrop 1
get balance from airdrop
spl-token balance
I landed on metaplex since it was super easys to setup.
costs around 20.00 usb in SOL to initiate the store but you can start for free with dev network.
fork metaplex
learn how to deploy to custom domain name
update the js/package/web package.json file with proper deploy settings
"deploy:gh": "yarn export && gh-pages -d ../../build/web --repo -t true",
"deploy": "cross-env ASSET_PREFIX=/my-metaplex/ yarn build && yarn deploy:gh",
to this
"deploy:gh": "yarn export && gh-pages -d ../../build/web --repo -t true",
"deploy": "yarn build && yarn deploy:gh",
after you forked and update build script you can setup custom pages to use gh-pages branch for github pages custom domain names and use cname to source this in your forked repo.
build your config locally so when you create your .env files you can deploy your nfts as you did locally to custom domain name in github.
$ cd metaplex
$ cd js
$ yarn install
$ yarn bootstrap
$ yarn start
after your local is setup and you switch to your dev wallet you can airdrop again or use the 1 SOL that was dropped earlier in this walk through to build out some NFTs to show up as auctions and or artwork. Id suggestion thinking about if its a market or just for your personal project as those are large affecting factors.
if your going to change ownership and triage chain issues you can learn to make changes in command line and transfer owners. You can also send drops to all wallets in your collection of owners when you find all the wallet owners of your nfts.
find all tokens make by a wallet
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","id": 1,"method": "getProgramAccounts","params": ["TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA",{"encoding": "jsonParsed","filters": [{"dataSize": 165},{"memcmp": {"offset": 32,"bytes": "vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg"}}]}]}
Once you get an idea of what the collection is and how to make and mint to proper wallet and owners you can then submit your token to solana.
create a PR carefully and then you can submit and have it auto-merged to get fast addtion to regestering your token wallet as the collection owner.
I had to fork the master
then make a PR to contribute by only adding token meta data and logo png.
check out how I did mine so you can copy.
If you have built your market and make a PR for your token you are very close to getting verified.
Make sure you add your details as much as you can and if it takes more then 2 weeks to get merged then you did something wrong and seek errors in the PR you make there are bound to be errors in CI.
examples of what it would look like done.
This is very generic way of doing it so its not the top way but it will get you basic skills to work in the nft area.
use this blog if you get lost I referenced it very often when googling different ways from solana website and blogs they share.
2ndary markets
solona mainnet